
How to setup blocks and lands
How to create a customer
What are product families, products and varieties
How to create a variety
How to create a tractor
How to create a spray rig
What is a worksheet
How to create a checklist
How to create a forecast
What is a crop performance
How to clone crop performance

your business
with Apunga

"The scheduling and planning ability of apunga has streamlined our planting, especially transitioning between seasons. This feature alone makes the system worthwhile."
Hugh Reardon
Australian Fresh Salads
"Moving to a paperless farm with apunga makes audit time effortless. I previously used to dread Freshcare certification, now all my records are in one place."
Ryan McLeod
Drinan Farming Co.
"The technology is user friendly, the uptake by all of staff has really been quite smooth"

Rodney Denning
Farm Manager,
Australian Fresh Salads